Who We Are
Knorr-Bremse Global Care is a global non-profit organization set up by Knorr-Bremse employees to offer new prospects to people who find themselves in need through no fault of their own. It supports projects run by partner organizations in three areas: water, sanitation & hygiene (WASH), education and emergency relief.
Knorr-Bremse Global Care works primarily in countries with Knorr-Bremse sites so that it can maintain direct contact, wherever possible, with the supported projects, raise awareness of social causes among employees and motivate them to play an active role themselves.
Knorr-Bremse Global Care was set up in 2005 following the devastating tsunami in South-East Asia and has since reached more than 700,000 people through over 270 projects. The Knorr-Bremse Group supports Global Care through regular donations. This is one of the manifestations of corporate social responsibility at Knorr-Bremse.
How Everything Started
The origins of Knorr-Bremse Global Care as a global organization lie in the founding of Knorr-Bremse Global Care e. V. in Germany. The association was set up by employees of the Knorr-Bremse Group in Munich just a few days after the tsunami of December 26, 2004 in South-East Asia.
The aim was to provide rapid, carefully targeted help to the victims of the disaster. Having successfully implemented its first selected aid projects, Knorr-Bremse Global Care continued its work around the world, constantly expanding and professionalizing its activities.
Today, Knorr-Bremse Global Care is the umbrella organization for the association and the two regional independent offshoots, Knorr-Bremse Global Care North America Ltd. in the US and Knorr-Bremse Global Care Asia Pacific in Hong Kong. Most of its funding comes from the Knorr-Bremse Group and donations from individual employees. The commitment of its members and group employees is the lifeblood of the organization
226 60 Lund
Sverige - Sweden

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Our Regional Structure
In 2018, Knorr-Bremse Global Care took the next step for more impact. This regional approach reflects the structure of the Knorr-Bremse Group. Two independent organizations were found in North America and Asia. They both will remain part of the Knorr-Bremse Global Care umbrella organization with a joint strategy, common rules, consolidated reporting and accounting and, in future, a jointly agreed mission and vision statement.
Knorr-Bremse Global Care e. V. is responsible for projects in Brazil, South Africa and European countries where there are Knorr-Bremse locations, as well as for relief projects in ten additional, developing countries without a Knorr-Bremse presence and the global emergency relief.
Knorr-Bremse Global Care North America Inc. is responsible for Canada, Mexico and USA.
Knorr-Bremse Global Care Asia Pacific Ltd. is managing the projects in Australia, China India and the Pacific Region.
Our aim is to strengthen local responsibility at every Knorr-Bremse site to be able to address local social challenges more effectively at their own discretion and with a closer cultural connection.