Train on tracks surrounded by misty landscape.

Driver advisory systems for efficient train operation

Energy is more valuable than ever, and Europe’s climate targets – as set down, for example, in the European Green Deal – are ambitious, especially for the rail industry. The European version of the LEADER (Locomotive Engineer Assist Display & Event Recorder) Driver Advisory System (DAS) represents a powerful response to challenging questions such as how to improve operational energy efficiency and traffic flow.

LEADER was developed both to improve punctuality and to save energy. The central element for this is an ergonomic display on which intuitive journey recommendations are shown. In order to achieve the best possible energy savings and optimum traffic flow, LEADER carries out a 3-stage optimization process:

  • Live traffic information via infrastructure time windows to improve traffic flow and energy efficiency from network perspective
  • Live traffic information via blocks / signals to improve local traffic flow and energy efficiency for our train
  • Global driving advice optimization by using highly available GNSS, topography, train model, physical driving resistances, weather information and electronic timetable


Digital Products and Services Knorr-Bremse Systeme für Schienenfahrzeuge GmbH

Moosacher Straße 80
80809 München
Deutschland - Germany

Our LEADER is in service since 2018. A bunch of new features will lead to significant improvements in energy saving, traffic flow and driver experience.

All this information is worked out with the right priorities in one single driving recommendation which makes it very easy for the driver to contribute to a maximum of energy saving. Our long experience with this product leads to customer-friendly options like:

  • Timetable Customization: Specifically designed for freight operation, it allows to select / unselect individual stops, including estimated time of arrival
  • Two driving modes: Traffic flow mode, designed for freight trains, is capable of driving with the flow, independent from any timetable. The mode "according to timetable", designed for passenger trains, is following the given timetable as far as possible

Which will be implemented in LEADER. It is capable to handle multiple input data, such as SFERA, railML and customer specific proprietary data formats. This provides the necessary flexibility to introduce LEADER in all markets.


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The LEADER license fee is based on the actual energy saving, which is a win-win situation with the following advantages

  • Extremely Low investment in hardware and software
  • Low risk for the customer
  • No maintenance costs
  • Access to back office with a wide range of functionality
  • Benefits from global experience from Knorr-Bremse
  • Participation in the development roadmap and thus also in customer-specific features

High flexibility to use

LEADER can run on tablets as well as on permanently installed panel PCs in the driver's cab.

Technical articles about LEADER4DiLoc

2022-10 Driver Advisory Systems - Climate neutrality in human hands (GER)
2022-04 Saving the world with every train ride ( GER
[PDF, 101.3 KB]
2022-04 The driver's cab of tomorrow ( GER
[PDF, 206.7 KB]
2020-04 Introduction of driver advisory systems - acceptance is critical to success ( GER
[PDF, 1.7 MB]

More information about LEADER

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