Actuators are the last link in the long chain that generates the brake force which ultimately brings the vehicle to a halt. When configuring its systems, Knorr-Bremse can draw on an extensive portfolio of components for all vehicle categories.
Low-Maintenance Operation and Lightweight Designs
Our actuators are always adapted to the vehicle’s specific interfaces so that they can execute the braking command from the driver’s cab on the vehicle’s wheels or axles. The actuator portfolio includes compact, lightweight brake caliper units 'WheelAct / AxleAct' and block brake units for a wide range of climatic conditions and application scenarios. Low-maintenance, high-performance hydraulic brake force actuators can be installed in extremely small spaces. Knorr-Bremse always adapts its units to the specific vehicle interfaces.
80809 München
Deutschland - Germany
Track Brakes: Electromagnetic and Eddy-current Brakes 'EddyAct'
Electromagnetic and eddy-current track brakes 'EddyAct' are employed when the brake force needs to be applied independently of the wheel-rail contact. In electromagnetic track brakes 'MagnetAct', the brake force is generated by magnets with an electrical current running through them. Braking is achieved through the adhesion between the magnet and the track and the brake and the track.
In eddy-current brakes 'EddyAct', braking is achieved without relying on friction at all. These brakes are the ideal complement to pneumatic friction brakes, especially on high-speed trains.
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