How can customers streamline the efficiency and processes of their fleet operations? “Sustain, enhance, accelerate” are the principles underpinning our RailServices portfolio, which bundles aftermarket activities with innovative solutions that make vehicles more available while improving their environmental performance.
The RailServices approach is based on four key action areas: Environmental Improvements, Availability Solutions, Process Optimization and Lifetime Expansion. At this year's InnoTrans, everything focuses on solutions for the entire life cycle of trains with the main topics “ Lifetime Extension & Process Optimization ” and “ Availability Solutions ”.
Product Brochures

Lifetime Extension & Process Optimization
RailServices is your partner for everything from sophisticated product upgrades and the integration of new functions to the modernization of the entire vehicle. The leaner and more efficient the operating processes are, the greater the leverage for sustainable cost reductions and increased competitiveness. Find out more at our experience exhibit with numerous interactive application examples and take advantage of all the opportunities to further optimize operating costs!
Availability solutions
The increasing complexity surrounding available mobility requires maximum transparency of all maintenance and operating processes. In addition, operators will have to react faster and more flexibly to new requirements in the future, as requirements change several times over the often decades-long service life of a vehicle. This focus is illustrated by the two “overhaul exhibits” of a brake caliper and electrical components.